AI, ML, Development + Cisco Learning Blog Learning about Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, related devlopment topics and formerly Routing and Switching, Datacenter, Security and other topics, CCIE #23664, Frank Wagner

10. Mai 2008

did my family „ccie“ :-)

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 11:10

On the 17.4.08 i got a son and became father. We are all doing well and life got us back again. It was one of my most wonderful moments in life.


Got my last holiday yesterday and will start work next week on tuesday, because monday is an official holiday here in germany.

Sometimes i was already expecting this would never happen any more. But on times as you do not expect it, it maybe once will and this is now the case.

I also got married in the meantime. But this nearly became a sidetone, but makes the family story complete.

28. April 2008

did my lab today

Filed under: Allgemein,Certification,Lab — ocsic @ 22:49

but i probably failed.

I found it more difficult than the last time. There had been a lot of questions and i wasn`t able to finish all topics. I missed about 3 to 4 and others i`m not sure. So i will probably not pass. Did not get the mail yet, but i expect it like that. Now i`m just tired and want to sleep. But i will do it again.

30. März 2008

going for the lab date

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 12:39

I`m not so very motivated. Learning is quite hard. I had the time, that i could not configure the easiest things. I was confused about setting up frame-relay dlci`s. But this time has gone. I still have about some weeks to go. My lab date is not booked yet. My company was giving me about a week for learning so far. Will see how this will be in the next weeks. I will be in the office next week in at a customers site the week after. From the workload it should be possible to have 1 or two days extra for learning. But i will see.

I got also extra online rack time sponsored for my favorite racks provider. Seems like everything is working fine, but the devil is in the detail always. 🙂 I just apprechiate the next weeks. Will get some day`s off at the beginning of may definitely. Spring is about to come and for me this is the nicest season of the year. Do some bicycling for now. Have a great day too.

22. Februar 2008

Done my written again on tuesday morning this week

Filed under: Allgemein,Certification — ocsic @ 21:40

Had a lot work this week but managed to make the written again.

New i can shedule my lab date again. I will try to get a date in april, maybe at around the 17th or 18th of april.
I hope i can get a date. If someone want to reshedule his date with me, please just leave me a message.
From now on i can lab it out. I will still go for dynamips and do reseach of different technologies. Then at the weekends i will do real labs. Maybe later on, i will be able to do some labs weeksdays for whole days. I will depend on my employer. Would be really valuable if i could get a week or two for labbing. We will see how things work out.
I`m really motivated to get this thing home.

17. Februar 2008

This is how my week looks like currently

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 12:34


4:30 wake up

5:50 go by train to frankfurt, do some labs with dynamips

9:00 start working

Weekday`s from Tuesday until Friday:

4:00 wake up, take a shower

4:30 start learning

7:30 go to work

12:00 – 13:00 pause, go out, have some walk

13:00 – 17:00 work

17:00 buy some food, do other things

Tuesday: 18:00 – 19:00 play badminton

20:00 sleep


17:00 – 20:00 go by train from frankfurt back to home

Weekend (sat+sun):

5:30 wake up

6:00 – 11:30 do real labs

12:00 – 15:00 byciling and/or
Saturday: 15:00 – 18:00 do some sauna

Sunday: 12:00 – 18:00 go for a walk close here in belgium, nice place, get some fresh air

18:00 – 21:00 spare time 🙂

21:00 sleep

For me the most important time is the time for recovering. Doing some other things than working and sit in front of a screen. I realy like byciling and backpacking. At home i have some really nice places to go to. Even if the weather is bad, i will go outside. I`m looking forward to spring and summer.



26. Dezember 2007

Thank you

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 06:55

Thank you for reading this blog.

I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. Hopefully a quiet time. And that you`r whishes for the next year will not be unreachable. 🙂

16. Dezember 2007

About to take the lab in february/march next year

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 19:40

Currently i wake up a 4 in the morning and start learning until 7:30, than go to work. I spend the whole last week at the customers site. I got sick and now i hope the next week will get better.

Currently i can work quite good with dynamips. I did labs 4.1 version 3 from ie. I`m now at lab 8.

I found that i really also need to do some sports. I started badminton again and i will try to do some wall climbing. My first try was not that bad and i think this could be a sport that i will like.

Next year i will also start to do online labs with rented racks. I will do this on each weekend Sat/Sun for about 5 hours. I need also my time to recover from learning and i thinks it`s difficult enough if you have a job. I will see how much my new company will support me on my CCIE. Still have to recert for the CCIE Written.

30. September 2007

Starting a new job next week near Frankfurt and start learning again

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 18:50

I got several offers from companies. Altogether four. Some that had only time limited contracts. But i was looking for a longer investment. I will start tomorrow. Working as a consultant and system engineer mainly in the Cisco world, but will probably have to cover one other manufacturer like extremnetworks or so on. We will see. My new company will support me in making the ccie and i plan to do so in the next year. I think this is an obtainable goal. So i will do my next lab and maybe my last attempt for the R&S next year. I plan to keep working with dynamips and internetworkexpert. I think i will still need some online session to test certain switching features, which will not be reproducable on dynamips. But my new notebook is able to fire up 13 devices including bb routers and 4 switches. I have already tested this in the past and it worked. You have to adjust idle values though.

Currently i don’t know exactly if i have to recert for the CCIE Written. Since in remember, that you have to make an attempt at least every 18 months. But i don’t know exactly.

So i’m looking forward to start learning again and i will have to take time for this on a regular basis.

6. August 2007

CCVP / Job

Filed under: Allgemein,Voip — ocsic @ 11:14

I’m currently starting the ccvp path first. I think this is a better idea in terms making your value sure. I don’t know if i will reach ccie for routing and switching. But i can do ccvp in time. So this will be my next goal first.

I had a very bad experiance with head hunters and a company. Seems like they are only out there to make the profil and after half a year they kick you out again. Well i should have known this. I’m currently looking for a new job. So if anyone has something to offer, i would be glad to hear about.

19. Mai 2007

provider server hack

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 23:23

Due to a server exploit, most of the images in my blog are gone. I don’t have a backup and my provider also seems to have none. I will try to restore most of the documents by time. Step by step, as i will load them up to the server again. Seem like it has been an apache module exploit. The admin must have been a bit to lazy. I just wonder how you can have that much time to destroy foreign webservers.

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