AI, ML, Development + Cisco Learning Blog Learning about Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, related devlopment topics and formerly Routing and Switching, Datacenter, Security and other topics, CCIE #23664, Frank Wagner

22. Mai 2009

R&S updates for Written and Lab to v4

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 19:32

Updates to the Lab and Written Exam for the CCIE R&S. Cisco is currently doing a lot for the CCIE. some great changes are introduced starting from the 18.10. 2009. After this date, Cisco might be testing also on new equipment, updating to 1800/3800 on 12.4(T) IOS images. Mayor new topic will be MPLS and Layer 3 VPN’s. I was wondering, while this topic was still missing in today’s labs, but starting from the end of the year, this be a valid one. Think this is a good idea. Also testing for core topics again, to keep your cert special.


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