I went back home by train yesterday from berlin and was able to do some labbing with dynamips. On my 6 hours journey i started with lab 3 from internetworkexpert workbook 3 v4.1. It took quite some time to setup everything to start. You have to change the interface types (FastEthernet to Ethernet or Serial0/0 to Serial1/0 for example) from the startup-configs. But everything went fine. I let ospf/eigrp/rip run all over the devices.
I’m using „konsole“ from KDE with tabbing feature. So i can easily switch between the routers by holding down „Shift“+“Left“ or „Right“. So you don’t need to switch with the mouse back and forth.
And i got to know a nice blog here where there is a collection of other ccie candidates also writing about their progress. Please have a look at: