AI, ML, Development + Cisco Learning Blog Learning about Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, related devlopment topics and formerly Routing and Switching, Datacenter, Security and other topics, CCIE #23664, Frank Wagner

19. Oktober 2006

DSCP values and usage guidelines

Filed under: QoS — ocsic @ 16:24
|   Service     |  DSCP   |    DSCP     |       Application        |
|  Class name   |  name   |    value    |        Examples          |
|Administration |  CS7    |   111000    | Heartbeats, SSH, Telnet  |
|Network Control|  CS6    |   110000    | Network routing          |
| Telephony     | EF,CS5  |101010,101000| IP Telephony             |
| Multimedia    |AF41,AF42|100010,100100| Video conferencing       |
| Conferencing  |  AF43   |100110       | Interactive gaming       |
| Multimedia    |AF31,AF32|011010,011100|Broadcast TV, Pay per view|
| Streaming     |AF33, CS4|011110,100000|Video surveillance        |
| Low Latency   |AF21,AF22|010010,010100|Client/server transactions|
|   Data        |AF23, CS3|010110,011000|peer-to-peer signaling    |
|High Throughput|AF11,AF12|001010,001100|Store&forward applications|
|    Data       |AF13, CS2|001110,010000|Non-critcal OAM&P         |
|    Standard   | DF,(CS0)|   000000    | Undifferentiated         |
|               |         |             | applications             |
| Low Priority  | CS1     |   001000    | Any flow that has no BW  |
|     Data      |         |             | assurance                |


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