AI, ML, Development + Cisco Learning Blog Learning about Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, related devlopment topics and formerly Routing and Switching, Datacenter, Security and other topics, CCIE #23664, Frank Wagner

6. Juli 2006

simple Frame-Relay config

Filed under: Frame-Relay — ocsic @ 08:02

# encapsulation frame-relay

config-if # ip add

config-if # frame inverse-arp


frame map ip DLCI

frame lmi-type cisco


One Frame-Relay Switch, i use a 2523 for switching. Configured with the following:

frame-relay switching

int s0

encap frame

no ip add

frame-relay route 17 int s1 18

int s1

no ip add

encap frame

frame-relay route 18 int s0 17

router1 with dlci 17

int s0

encap frame

ip add

router 2 with dlci 18

int s0

encap frame

ip add

Another simple configuration is the following:

On the router use this config:

int s0

encap frame

frame-relay interface-dlci 101

ip add

and on the frame-relay switch:

frame-relay switching

int s2

encap frame

frame-intf-type dce

frame-relay route 101 int ser3 102

the route command means, route everything with dlci 101 from int s2 to interface s3 with dlci 102.

so on the s3 interface you have to add:

frame-relay route s3 102 int s2 101

If your adding a third device to the frame-relay switch and want connectivity between them, you’er going to configure a full mesh. The number of connections is calculated with N(N-1)/2 where N is the number of routers. So for example 5 router (5*4/2=10) will need 10 connections (pvc’s) for a full mesh.

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