I should go more for preparing the lab exam again, but currently i’m playing around with callmanager and ip communicator from cisco. IP communicator is a softphone and can be installed on windows os. You then can emualte two cisco phones and do some testing.
Here are two screenshoots of this.
26. März 2007
IP Communicator and ccm 4.1.3
16. März 2007
Assembled CTS 1000 / 3000 systems
Romm preperation is very important for both systems. The light is the major factor. Also different soundlevels are needed. You need about 300 – 400 lux in the view to the camera from 9 different areas in the room. The measurement is done in the direction to the camera not to the ceiling.
Also the silence in 6 areas of the room is measured, with AC turned on. And the reflection of noise. There are several tools for measuring this. Cisco is very picky on these values.
Here the carton for the camara adjustments is just flipped around. On the picture it’s fixed in the wrong way.
15. März 2007
Installing CallManager 4.1.3 on free VMWare Server Edition
Using a fresh Windows 2000 Server installation and CallManager 4.1.3.
After installing Windows Server 2000 on VMware, i took a 15 GB disk and a single processor system.
I had the problem with a windows 2000 server cd and an already applied sp4 without msjava. I had to install java first. It’s available as a file called: MSjavX86.exe.
This is the complete version of ms java.
For the windows 2000 server installation add also the snmp service and IIS.
Importing these registry settings.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Spirian\System Info\OS Service Release]
Afterwards install the latest OS patches and upgrades:
The system will boot three times.
After that you will have to import these registry setting again:
Then copy the file shutdown.exe to the following directory:
copy c:\program\cisco\updates\2000 2.7sr8\shutdown.exe to C:\Utils
Then start the callmanager installation by starting ccmsetup.exe
Install CallManager 4.1(3) by inserting the CD and opening the ccmsetup.exe
After Callmanager Reboots check to see if the WorldWideWeb Publishing Service is set to manual and stopped. Set it to automatic and start it.
For installing ccm i had to temporary set the memory to 1024 MB for the virtual machine.
Another Method using the image CD’s
10. März 2007
CTS Installation and setting it up
We did one CTS 1000 and one CTS 3000 system in about two days with 10 people. 5 handcraftsmen builing the CTS 3000 system. The have been doing this for the last month nonstop. So i think they did a new record and building this up. I had seen this as very good teamwork. The have been great. Normaly for a good team you need about 2 to three days. But they made it in about 1 day.
It’s including two callmanager 5.1 installations and a telepresence manager (CTM).
Over the last days i worked together with two guys from british telecom and three from cisco, what was a good experiance for me.
It was quite interesting and i think i learned a lot. Last evening a 9 pm we got it working the first time between the two customer sites. It was a little bit like the first moon landing „Houston Houston…. the outpost is connected to the world. I think it a great tv experiance. It’s sexy. 🙂
I will try to upload some more pictures in the future.
7. März 2007
RA Room Assessment / CTS
Currently doing the room assessment for the CTS 3000. The room is new designed and equipped only for the CTS 3000 system. There is a light and sound measurement. AC is needed for the whole room, because the three plasma displays and the code will produce a lot of heat. The whole system need about 8000 Wats. Here is a first picture of the room for the CTS 3000. We will start to assemble a 1000 and a 3000 system tomorrow. The 1000 should take about 1 day, but the 3000 will be about 3-5 workdays. We will do that in a team with cisco together.