We did one CTS 1000 and one CTS 3000 system in about two days with 10 people. 5 handcraftsmen builing the CTS 3000 system. The have been doing this for the last month nonstop. So i think they did a new record and building this up. I had seen this as very good teamwork. The have been great. Normaly for a good team you need about 2 to three days. But they made it in about 1 day.
It’s including two callmanager 5.1 installations and a telepresence manager (CTM).
Over the last days i worked together with two guys from british telecom and three from cisco, what was a good experiance for me.
It was quite interesting and i think i learned a lot. Last evening a 9 pm we got it working the first time between the two customer sites. It was a little bit like the first moon landing „Houston Houston…. the outpost is connected to the world. I think it a great tv experiance. It’s sexy. 🙂
I will try to upload some more pictures in the future.