AI, ML, Development + Cisco Learning Blog Learning about Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, related devlopment topics and formerly Routing and Switching, Datacenter, Security and other topics, CCIE #23664, Frank Wagner

17. Mai 2008

Failed my second lab attempt and what comes next?

Filed under: Allgemein,Lab — ocsic @ 13:50

I have a child and i really enjoy it to be with him. Configuring devices is still quite nice, but it will not be as good as playing with my son. So he learns the most in his first year.

How to motivate for the next try? Learning from the last attempts is quite difficult for me. This attempt was quite strange. But maybe i did not had enough sleep the days before my last attempt.

So what to learn from my last attempt? The sections i did not thought i was right, i was 100% and the others that have been my stronger topcis, i did not came above 2/3 percent. All over the other, i was better on my first attempt.

What i think i can learn about my last attempt is that, sometimes i think the question is more difficult that it is at least. So i think i need more practise in some certain topics to make sure to be more confident about the configuration. I think i test to much and i heasitate to much of choosing the right way.

So here is my todolist of what to improve next time and how to do it at my next and third attempt.

  • become more self confident about the configuration i use
  • improve on certain topics, i still have some weak topics and i sometimes hope they will not be present, but this is just a hope 🙂
  • maybe more improvement on my speed, but like last time i wasn’t to slow, but might be even quicker, maybe i can try to finisch most of the config before lunch
  • just do more practise and test more different technices
  • get more sleep the days before my next attempt
  • look again through the topics and again starting first with an overview of things, then go into detail

Here is what was good and what i will do again like last time:

  • make a diagramm from the layer 2 and layer 3 topology and start reading the different questions over
  • don’t spend to much time on diagramms but make them readable on the first try
  • use earplugs 🙂

But how to motivate for the next attempt. Two weeks have passed from my last attempt now. And still i feel like i have to move a rock on my next attempt. I need a bit more to recover before i start it all over again, but i will do it again and i won’t wait to long this time.

As last time the proctor was really good, at this attempt i got the feeling, better not to ask and proctors have been absent from the labroom for at least 30 minutes. I did not feel good this time. But it have been also more participants this time.

Cisco has not really commented about the dynamips usage as a learning tool. But since the cisco commandline will spread more and more with this tools, it maybe the reason why they don’t comment much on using dynamips.

Even now it’s possible with pemu to emulate a pix. Many using this also already as a learning tool.

I will start it all over again and this time i will take the lab, when i’m ready. And this will be when i know i will pass.

10. Mai 2008

did my family „ccie“ :-)

Filed under: Allgemein — ocsic @ 11:10

On the 17.4.08 i got a son and became father. We are all doing well and life got us back again. It was one of my most wonderful moments in life.


Got my last holiday yesterday and will start work next week on tuesday, because monday is an official holiday here in germany.

Sometimes i was already expecting this would never happen any more. But on times as you do not expect it, it maybe once will and this is now the case.

I also got married in the meantime. But this nearly became a sidetone, but makes the family story complete.

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