AI, ML, Development + Cisco Learning Blog Learning about Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, related devlopment topics and formerly Routing and Switching, Datacenter, Security and other topics, CCIE #23664, Frank Wagner

11. Juli 2006

frame-relay full mesh

Filed under: Frame-Relay — ocsic @ 11:15

The formula N(N-1)/2 calculates the number of connections needed for a full mesh.

5 routers for example need 10 pvc’s for the full mesh. 5*4/2=10.

It’s easier to make a table and write down the connections first before configuering frame-relay.

For example here are the serial interfaces with the dlci.
S1      S2      S3      S4      S5


102 ———-301

103 ——————-401

104 —————————501






So if you have configured Router1 with

int s0

encap frame

frame-relay interface-dlci 101

frame-relay interface-dlci 102

frame-relay interface-dlci 103

frame-relay interface-dlci 104

and so on with the other routers r2,r3,r4

your have to configure the siwtch like this:

frame-relay switching

conf t

int s1

encap frame

frame-relay intf-type dce

frame-relay route 101 serial 2 201

frame-relay route 102 serial 3 301

frame-relay route 103 serial 4 401

frame-rleay route 104 serial 5 501

and so on with the other router, like in the table configured before.

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